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Live Your Best Life!

Tips and actionable items to help you manage your mindset and achieve your goals so that you have success in all areas of your life.  You deserve it and I am here cheering you on!!!

What to Do When You Feel There is Never Enough Time

Sep 21, 2021

Do you find yourself ending most days feeling overwhelmed because there is too much to do and not enough time to do it? Do you ever feel like you were busy all day long but are not really sure what you actually accomplished? Do you ever feel like you never have time to do the thing (or things) that you really want to do? These experiences are common for so many of us.

Unfortunately, time is a resource that we can’t change. We all have the same 24 hours each day, however, it seems like some people get so much more done, or have so much more control of their time, than others. One factor that contributes to this is that some people are not interested in getting a lot done during their days, which is fine. That is a choice and there is nothing wrong with it, however, if you are reading this, you are likely someone who wants to get more done than you currently are.


So…if you can’t change the number of hours in a day, week, month, or year, what can you do? The...

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The Key to Achieving a Goal is Changing your Mindset

Sep 14, 2021

The mindset you have today, is not the mindset you need to achieve any significant goal you may have. If it was, you would already be there. Whether it is a relationship goal, a financial goal, a business or career goal, a health goal, or any other goal, the reason you have not yet achieved it, is because you are not yet the person you need to be to achieve it. Your belief system drives the outcomes and results you get in your life. If your belief system (both consciously and unconsciously) does not support that you are someone who can have an amazing relationship, be debt free, have your dream job, or lose a certain amount of weight, no matter how many times you tell yourself that you want those things, they will never come to be.


Your brain can be your own worst enemy, however, it does not have to be this way. You are able to rewire your brains so that you believe the things you are trying to achieve before you even have them. Think, “I’ll see it when I believe...

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You Can’t Effectively Make Changes if you are Not Honest with Yourself.

Sep 07, 2021

One of the most effective strategies for making real and lasting changes in your life, is to get really honest about where you are today. While it is important to have a roadmap for where you are going, if you are not honest about where things are now, and how they got to be the way they are, it will be harder to get to your destination.


To start this process, ask yourself what is one thing that you would like to change. It may be tempting to want to make a list of 3, or 5, or even 10 things, however, start with one thing and you can add others as you go. Once you identify the one thing you want to start with, ask yourself the following questions and then answer them, being as specific as possible. If you want my guide to help you though this process step-by-step, click HERE.


  • Why is it important for me to make a change in this area?


  • What do I want this change to look like? How do I want things to look and feel when I have made the change?


  • How...
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Change Your Thinking so that it Works for You, Not Against You

Jul 27, 2021

Do you know that your brain will believe what it is thinking, whether it is true or not? The bad news with this is, if you don’t examine and challenge your thoughts, you will believe whatever you are thinking, regardless of whether it is actually true. If you are thinking negative thoughts about who you are, or what you are capable of, your thinking can hold you back significantly. The good news is, if you learn how to notice your thoughts, you can challenge them and choose thoughts that serve you better.


Your brain will naturally remember the things that are repeated the most which means, if you want to think better thoughts, you need to be intentional about repeating them over and over. It takes some effort but isn’t it worth it? If you can learn how to manage your thinking, this will help you for the rest of your life so I will ask again, isn’t it worth it?


If you have some negative thinking patterns that have been present for a long time, it will...

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How to Start to Create a Change in Your Life

Jul 07, 2021

Do you ever feel like you talk about wanting to change something in your life, however, you never actually do it? If so, you are not alone. This is a common experience and a situation that most of us find ourselves in at some point. We say we want something different, however we never actually take the steps to initiate the change. This is different than when you start and stop over and over. This challenge happens when you don’t start at all because starting is often the hardest part.


Have you ever noticed that when you work out, putting on your sneakers and getting moving is often harder than the actual workout? Have you ever noticed that when you are trying to work on a project that sitting down and beginning if often the hardest part? Have you ever noticed that if you are trying to save money, that creating the budget is often harder than actually cutting back your spending? Whatever the situation is for you, starting can be the biggest challenge. It requires the...

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Create the Persona of the Woman you Want to Become.

Jun 08, 2021

Do you find that you sometimes look at other women and wish that you had the life they are living? Do you sometimes wish that you had the resources they have, or the career they have, or the body they have? If so, you are doing what so many of us do both consciously and unconsciously. We compare ourselves to others and then beat ourselves up for not measuring up. We compare ourselves to others and become resentful of them. We compare ourselves to others and then find even more faults within ourselves. I am here to tell all of us who fall into this behavior pattern that we need to stop.


Instead of looking at someone else and then being highly self-critical, telling yourself that you are not “enough”, or feeling bad about yourself, use them as an inspiration for what is possible. When you look at someone else who is doing something or has something that you wish you had, study them, identify what things may have helped them get to where they are now, and use this...

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Own Your Life...Both the Good and the Bad.

May 31, 2021

Have you ever met someone who blames other people or their circumstances when things are not going well in their lives? Perhaps this is you. I know I have been there! It can be easy to tell ourselves that if only the circumstances were different, or if only someone else acted differently, that we would be better off. The reality is that although this may appear to be true, it is usually not the case.


Think about it...when we blame circumstances or other people, we are giving away our power. We are essentially telling ourselves that making our situation better is out of our control and that we are at the mercy of other people or external events. Before going further, I want to make sure that you don’t misunderstand what I am saying. I know that there may be circumstances or people in your life that can be incredibly challenging. I know that there is illness, financial hardship, mean bosses, hurtful family members, and a thousand other things that could be dealing with...

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Does it Feel Like Anxiety is Starting to Control Your Life?

May 24, 2021

Anxiety is defined as, “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome”. I don’t know anyone who has not experienced anxiety at some point in their lives. As a therapist and a coach, I work with individuals who have anxiety that they feel is negatively impacting their day-to-day living. Whether due to panic attacks, being distracted being unable to take action due to all the worrisome thoughts, by lacking confidence due to all the things they are worried about, or other reasons related to anxiety and worry, some individuals cannot function the way they want to due to their anxiety.

The good news is that there are things that can be done to reduce feelings of anxiety. Please note, that although I am a licensed therapist the suggestions in this article are not a replacement for formal one-on-one therapy. If you are experiencing significant anxiety and/or are having any concerns related to safety,...

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Learn From Your Past, But Don’t Let It Be What Determines Your Future

May 17, 2021

Too often I see clients holding themselves back because of their past. Whether it is because of messages they received about themselves from others, past failures, how they grew up, or what things have happened in their lives, I have seen too many people restricting their future based on their past.


Let me explain this further. Your brain wants you to stay safe and comfortable. Because of this, it will try to keep you where you are, rather than pushing you to try new things or pushing you outside the bounds of where you currently are. It will restrict you from seeing that there are possibilities beyond those that you have already seen or experienced and it will remind you of past failures and past messages you heard or created about yourself that tell you that certain things are for “other people” but not for you. It is not your fault that your brain does this, it is the way all of us are wired.


Just because you are wired this way, however, does not mean...

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Positive Social Connection is Important for Your Mental Wellbeing

May 10, 2021

Social connection has been shown to lower anxiety and depression, improve physical health, improve day-to-day performance and quality of life, improve our immune systems, and help us live longer. I think we have seen the importance of this more than ever, over the course of the last year. Recently, I have been working with many clients who are experiencing increased levels of anxiety, depression, and stress because of the cumulative effect of not having been able to spend time with friends and family for an extended period of time. Although initially many people were happy about having more time for themselves, the impact of not seeing friends and family coupled with not seeing co-workers in person, has taken its toll on many. The National Alliance on Mental Illnesses is running a “You are Not Alone” campaign for Mental Health Awareness Month to highlight the importance of social connection as so many people have been impacted by the isolation caused by the pandemic.


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