Tips and actionable items to help you manage your mindset and achieve your goals so that you have success in all areas of your life. You deserve it and I am here cheering you on!!!
Have you ever had a thought that made you pause, cringe, or feel some form of anxiety, worry, or dread? Maybe it was something like, "I'm not good enough for this job," "Everyone is judging me," "I’ll never succeed," or "Are they are going to leave me”. These kinds of thoughts can feel so real and powerful in the moment, can't they? They sweep in and suddenly it feels like the only thing you can think about. You may literally feel a tightening of your chest, difficulty breathing, or feel your palms start to sweat.
But here’s the truth: Just because you think something doesn't make it true. Let that sink in for just a few seconds. You don’t have to believe every thought that crosses your mind. In fact, sometimes our thoughts are more like noise, distorting the truth rather than reflecting it. Let’s unpack why that is—and why you have the power to take back control of your mind.
What you believe about yourself, others, and the world impacts how you feel and the results you get in your life so it is important to have a belief system that works for you, not against you. A belief is an acceptance that something is true or that something exists. It is trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. It is how you make sense of the world but your beliefs are not the “T” truth that you might think they are.
We all have beliefs. Some of our beliefs we are aware of and some run quietly in the background of our minds, or in our unconscious minds. The problem with the unconscious beliefs we hold that run quietly in the back of our minds is that despite their being quiet, they do influence how we feel, the actions we take, and the results we get in our lives.
Before going further, let’s explore where your beliefs come from. Your beliefs are the result of some of the following:
Your mindset and your beliefs about yourself are powerful. They can elevate your confidence, your actions, and the results you get in your life, or they can crush your confidence, limit your actions, and limit the results you get in your life. Have you heard of the “fleas in a jar” story? It is a great example of how what you believe changes how you act, and therefore the results you get in your life.
Years ago, a scientist conducted an experiment where he placed fleas in a glass jar. Once in the jar, the fleas immediately started jumping and jumped so high that they were able to jump out of the jar and escape. Next, the individual conducting the experiment put a glass lid on the jar so that the fleas could not escape. The fleas continued to jump but now they were hitting the glass lid, jumping again, and hitting the glass over and over without being able to escape as they had before.
What happened next is fascinating. The scientist removed the glass lid...
What you believe about yourself, what is possible for you, and about the world around you impacts the life you create for yourself. Have you ever had periods of time where nothing is working in your favor and then other periods of time where it feels like many good things are coming your way all at once? This is a common experience for many people. So, the question is, why does this happen?
In my opinion, your belief system plays a big role in this. If it feels like things are not going your way, your mind will give you more evidence of this. It will also remind you of times in the past when things have not gone your way. If you are spending a lot of time focusing on negative things happening, you are signaling to your brain that negative things happening are important to you and it will then go to work for you and find more negative things. When this happens, you will not feel energized, excited, or hopeful, and therefore the actions you take can reinforce your beliefs that...
We all have a lens through which we view the world. This lens is created over time, starting at a young age, and is the result of our life experiences, what we have been told about ourselves, others, the world, and what we think about ourselves. This lens impacts the way we see things and can be very subjective. This is the reason why two people could be in the same situation and think and feel very differently about it.
It is important for you to know that this lens exists, but also for you to check in on your lens and assess whether it is working for you, or against you. This lens is heavily tied to your belief system and your mindset. For example, if you were going on a job interview and your belief system was that you were not good at interviewing and you were not one hundred percent qualified for the job, you would likely show up to the interview differently than someone who was very confident in both their interview and professional skills. In addition, if you believed...
Do you know why so many people don’t achieve their goals or live the life they say they want to be living? It is because they don’t believe that they can actually achieve what they say they want. If you don’t firmly believe that you can do something, be something, or achieve something, then you will unconsciously hold yourself back over and over. The reality is, if you want to do something that is challenging, you likely do not have the skills, strength, knowledge, means, etc. to do it today. If you did, you would already be doing it, right?
However, it does not mean that you can’t acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, build your strength, or increase your means so that you can accomplish your goal. In order to do that, however, you must first believe in yourself and believe that with work and focus, you can achieve something that you have never achieved before. This is critical because if you don’t actually believe in yourself, you...
I am someone who likes to have a clear plan. I like to map goals out, break things down into tasks, know exactly what needs to happen, and assign a timeline to them. Can you relate to this process? This process works for many things such as cooking and following a recipe, having a list of chores that need to get done, having a list of tasks that need to get done at work, and mapping out a plan for a vacation. What this does not work well for is when you are setting big goals for yourself, and trying to do something you have never done before.
When you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, doing something you have never done before, maybe doing something that both scares and excites you, you won’t have everything figured out when you start. Because of this, many people never take any action to make their dream or goal a reality. They get so stuck on the “how” part of the dream, that they decide it is not for them when they cannot figure out...
Have you ever heard someone say, “I’ll believe it when I see it”? Often, we are waiting to “see” something to give us evidence that something is possible, or that something will happen in our lives. Maybe you are waiting for a certain financial status. Maybe you are waiting for a relationship to improve. Maybe you are waiting for something to improve with your health. The problem is, when you say, I’ll believe it when I see it, it will likely never happen.
The reason for this is because with this kind of mindset, you are telling your brain you don’t believe it will happen or that it is possible, and therefore, you think and act as though it is not possible. You tell yourself that only when you see evidence of it happening or of it being possible that you will believe it. When you do this, it results in you not consciously, or unconsciously, doing anything that would make it possible. You are resolved to the fact that it is not...
How often do you take time to challenge your beliefs? Unless you are very intentional, my guess is that you rarely do this. The majority of us don’t challenge our beliefs because they have been around for so long. They are what we know. They are comfortable (even if we don’t necessarily like them). They inform how we operate, what we think is possible, and the overall success and quality of our lives. Yikes! If they are that influential, shouldn’t you be checking in on yours?
Your beliefs form because you have certain thoughts about yourself, those around you, and the world in general that have been playing on repeat in your mind over time. They may be the result of something you heard someone tell you when you were young. They may be the result of something you witnessed happen to someone else. They may be the result of what kind of media or social media you have consumed over time. Whatever it is, you “digested” some form of information, put it on...
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