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5 Signs Youā€™re Holding Yourself Back (And How to Break Free)

Nov 13, 2024

Are you unknowingly holding yourself back from your dreams? Take some time to really consider this because it’s more common than you might think. Sometimes, the biggest roadblocks in life aren’t external things—they’re our own thoughts, fears, and habits. Without even realizing it, you might be self-sabotaging or limiting your potential in ways that keep you from achieving your goals.


The good news is that once you recognize these patterns, you can start taking small steps to break free from them. I’m going to share five things you may be doing that are holding you back, as well as specific steps you can take to challenge and change these patterns so that you can thrive and achieve more.


One of the biggest signs you’re holding yourself back is negative self-talk. 


Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can be incredibly powerful because it affects how you see yourself and what you believe you are capable of achieving....

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