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Live Your Best Life!

Tips and actionable items to help you manage your mindset and achieve your goals so that you have success in all areas of your life.Ā  You deserve it and I am here cheering you on!!!

How to Grocery Shop in a Healthy Way

Jun 30, 2020

Hi!  It's Karen, from Karen Vincent Solutions.

Have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry?  Yup…me too and it never turns out well. There you go…tip #1, never go to the grocery store hungry!  I will say more about this in the tips section below, but I wanted to just get that out there right away so that if you don’t read any further, you’ve heard that critical piece of advice.

Whether you love to grocery shop or hate it, a trip to the store can result in your leaving with a cart of very healthy foods that set you up for success or a cart with foods that will tempt you throughout the week and make it hard to stay on track with any health goals you may have.  The easiest way to “shop healthy” is to follow the 7 tips below. It takes a little preparation but if it sets you up for success for the entire week, I will argue that it is worth it.

7 tips for shopping healthy.

  1. Never go to the grocery store hungry. I will say a...
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Stop Quitting on Yourself: 4 Mindset Shifts that Will Help You Keep Going

May 12, 2020

Hi!  It's Karen from Karen Vincent Solutions.

How many times have you really wanted something, had a plan, started…and then you quit? Maybe you started over and quit again…and then again. Or maybe you never started over at all.

Most people can relate to this in some area of their lives. Was it a healthier eating plan, increasing your exercise, learning something new, pursuing a hobby, working on something that would help you get a promotion, starting a business, increasing quality time with your family or some other area in your life? Whatever it was, most of us have experienced this more than once or twice. 

Why do we do this? We want something for ourselves, we go for it…and then we quit.  Why?  Usually it is because we are having to give something else up in order to pursue our new goal.  If you can relate to this, let’s dig in a little deeper. 

Maybe you need to watch less television to work on a career...

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How to Create Healthy Habits

Apr 30, 2020

Hi!  It's Karen from Karen Vincent Solutions.

“A settled tendency or usual manner of behavior” is a definition of habit according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.  When we think of the word “habit” we often think of only “bad habits”. These could include smoking, biting your fingernails, always being late, hitting the snooze button, drinking, checking social media without even thinking about it, eating unhealthy foods…the list could go on forever.

What we don’t talk about or highlight as much are the “good habits” we have.  These could include brushing our teeth every day, making sure all the dishes are done before going to bed, putting gas in the car before the empty light comes on, going to the grocery store and buying healthy food each week, calling a parent or good friend each week to check in…this list could also go on forever. 

What is important to keep in mind, is that habits can be both...

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Eating Organically: What Foods Should You Prioritize for Organic Eating?

Feb 27, 2020

What makes food “organic”?

Hi!  It's Karen from Karen Vincent Solutions.

There is a lot of talk about eating organically but what does this really mean?  When you think organic, think natural.  Organic foods are grown without the use of man-made fertilizers or pesticides and organic meat and poultry comes from animals who have not been fed growth regulators or feed additives.

Unfortunately, we live in an age where growing foods with pesticides is commonplace...and dangerous.  Scientists believe that even small doses of these dangerous chemicals can cause damage to our health and overall well being.  The ingestion of pesticides can cause headaches, nausea, inflammation, digestive issues, fatigue, skin irritation as well as more serious conditions like cancer, reproductive harm and endocrine disruption to name a few.  What is scary is that all the potential damage is likely still not fully known. 

Our bodies were not built to...

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7 Tips for Dealing with People Who Sabotage Your Progress Towards Your Goals

Feb 13, 2020

Do the People Around You Support You or Sabotage You?

Hi!  It's Karen from Karen Vincent Solutions.  

Asking yourself whether the people around you support you or sabotage you in achieving your goals is an important question for us all to ask ourselves.  To start off, let me say that I don’t think all sabotage is intentional and I also don’t think that other people are responsible for our successes or failures, however, I am saying that they can sure make it easier or harder for us to stay on track while working towards our goals. 

The reality is that not everyone will support all your goals.  Whether you are trying to lose weight, build a business, devote more time to your family or devote more time to your community, not everyone will understand your goals and not everyone will think your goals are attainable.  This is where your WHY matters most. 

What is critical is that you believe in your goals, that you are committed to...

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10 Strategies to Help You Stay on Track with Weight Loss or Health Goals When Dining Out

Feb 10, 2020

Hi!  It's Karen from Karen Vincent Solutions.

Trying to stay focused on your weight loss, health or your eating goals, can be a challenge when going out to eat.  You will likely see food choices that are high in carbs, salt and sugar. You will likely be offered very large portions.  You will likely be offered alcohol, appetizers, bread and dessert in addition to your meal.  Maybe a soup or salad too! 

Add in the company you are with who may want to overindulge by ordering lots of appetizers and drinks to kick off your big night out.  In addition, let’s top that with the delicious smell you experience when you walk into most restaurants and BAM…it’s on! 

These circumstances can make it very challenging to stay on track with your wellness goals and before you know it, you easily could have eaten WAY more than you expected.  What happens next, is that you often end up beating yourself up because it feels like you have taken a...

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