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Live Your Best Life!

Tips and actionable items to help you manage your mindset and achieve your goals so that you have success in all areas of your life.Ā  You deserve it and I am here cheering you on!!!

7 Strategies for Deepening Your Social Connections

Jun 07, 2022

Social connection has been shown to lower anxiety and depression, improve physical health, improve day-to-day performance and quality of life, improve our immune systems, and help us live longer. Not being able to spend time with others had significant negative effects for many people during the pandemic since, for most of us, we are inherently social beings. What is important to consider when thinking about how socially connected you are is not the number of people you are connected to, but the quality of those relationships.


In assessing whether you have meaning social connections, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have people I can confide in?
  • Do I show up as my authentic self in my relationships?
  • Do I have people who I can rely on when I am having a hard time?
  • Do I have people who I really know and who are honest with me about the ups and downs in their lives?
  • When I am spending time with others, are we fully present with one another?


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Positive Social Connection is Important for Your Mental Wellbeing

May 10, 2021

Social connection has been shown to lower anxiety and depression, improve physical health, improve day-to-day performance and quality of life, improve our immune systems, and help us live longer. I think we have seen the importance of this more than ever, over the course of the last year. Recently, I have been working with many clients who are experiencing increased levels of anxiety, depression, and stress because of the cumulative effect of not having been able to spend time with friends and family for an extended period of time. Although initially many people were happy about having more time for themselves, the impact of not seeing friends and family coupled with not seeing co-workers in person, has taken its toll on many. The National Alliance on Mental Illnesses is running a “You are Not Alone” campaign for Mental Health Awareness Month to highlight the importance of social connection as so many people have been impacted by the isolation caused by the pandemic.


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